💋💋Exclusive Lip Blush American Standard 2023💋 * Kamiebeautyacademy 1700 Newbury Park Dr 206 Suite San Jose CA ☎️6263495765 Kamie Nguyen ❤WATERCOLOR LIP STAIN & DARK LIP NEUTRALIZATION❤️ Lip Blush is beautiful, natural and soft - no harsh outlines, just a subtle blush of color to define, shape and make lips look naturally plump & flushed! A custom color is mixed for each and every client based on their skin color, undertones and existing lip shade. We offer LipBlush for ALL lip tones. Melanin rich or darker lips may require more than two appointments to achieve target color Here’s some important *need to know* regarding the Lip Tint Tattoo process - pain is minimal - 2 anesthetics are used to keep you comfortable! - healing time is very quick and very easy, just a few days of applying Aquaphor & avoiding spicy foods/swimming/sauna - the area will be slightly swollen for a day or two (but nothing you have to hide away from, they’ll just be plump) -color is very vibrant for the first 2 days then begins settling in, softening and turning very natural -this is a two step process: we will book your second session when you are in the studio -cooler/ darker lips might require extra sessions to achieve desired results. Feel free to email us if you’d like us to take a look prior to booking! ❤PRE CARE❤️ Lip fillers: you MUST wait at least 1 month before/ after getting your lips tattooed Cold sores: if you’ve EVER had even 1 cold sore on the outside area of your mouth or on your lips you MUST take doctor prescribed Valtrex or a similar antiviral at least 3 days prior and 3 days after getting your lips tattooed. If you don’t- this procedure will trigger an outbreak that will affect healing- so this is very important & very easy to avoid! Moisturize: make sure your lips are well moisturized in the days leading to the appt. Dry, cracked lips won’t heal nicely! ❤WHAT TO EXPECT: ❤️ ✅Day 1� Your skin will start slowly releasing lymph fluid right after your procedure. This is a common healing process for our bodies! Clean lips every 30 minutes with the sterile wipes included in your kit. This reduces your scabbing. Moisturize before bed. Sometimes light bruises may occur, even after the procedure is over. It is normal and will disappear after a few hours. ✅Day 2� The lips may still be slightly swollen today and it will look like you’re wearing lipstick. Its normal for them to feel chapped or wind burnt. Moisturize with Aquaphor or tattoo balm we provide 5-6 times a day. ✅Day 3-7� Keep moisturizing as needed! Its ok for lips to dry out slightly between applications. Some light flaking and peeling may occur- this is normal. IMPORTANT! Do not pick or rub any dry skin! It must shed naturally. If you pick or peel the skin it will take the tattoo out with it and you will have uneven results. Once it sheds it will appear very light in color One month later: you will notice the actual healed results from your session in 4-6 weeks. You’ll notice a few color changes throughout the month. Patience is key 🙂 ❤AFTER CARE:❤️ * Refrain from soaking your lips in water for a week and from applying makeup to them. * Refrain from using saunas and swimming pools, sweating excessively and sunbathing for 5 days * Do not peel any dry skin/ scabs. * Keep the lips moisturized with Aquaphor or our recommended balm only (no Neosporin, vaseline, etc) * During the first 4 weeks post procedure refrain from using exfoliants, acids and anti aging �serums on the area around the lips. * Once healed, use lip balm with SPF to keep your color fresh